Modeling Of Case Management In Reference Model Process Of Building The Crisis Communication Plan With CMMN Notation

Tomislav Vidačić, Anita Jeličić, Jelena Blaži


The basis for preparing for the crisis is the crisis communication plan. It must provide accurate emergency response. The aim of the crisis communication plan is to protect the reputation and image of the organization, and shape the perception of the public about the organization and its role in the crisis. The construction of a crisis communication plan is greatly facilitated by the use of reference models. Reference models are a good foundation to see the most common practice of the process of building a crisis communication plan in public relations services in organizations. Building a reference model is a set of processes and as such can be modeled as a series of activities. Building a communication plan is a predictable and routine set of activities. But, by definition, the crisis is an unpredictable and sudden event that seriously threatens its reputation with the organization, company, party, institution,person, and therefore crisis, cannot be considered predictable and routinely. In solving crisis situations other than predictable routine steps, there are also non-routinely difficult predictable activities requiring great flexibility and great knowledge, hence the ability to adapt to a situation, in a way that recognizes the need and responds to the demands of the task. This component of organization is very difficult tomodel with the existing BPMN notation, as it is designed to model repetitive, routine activities. For this reason, it is necessary to include notation for modeling individual cases that describe unpredictable,non-routine activities with a view to building a more detailed reference model. CMMN (Case Management Modeling Notation) of OMG Group allows the construction of such models (OMG,2017). In this paper, the reference model of the process of constructing a crisis communication plan is expanded with elements for describing unstructured and unpredictable activities. We use this CMMN notation which is intended to describe unstructured jobs and activities in organizations, where individual activities depend on the development of the situation and on certain decisions. The result is a more precise reference model of the process that more credibly describes the sequence of activity of building a crisis communication plan.


Reference Models; CMMN; BPMN; Crisis Communication Plan

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