Mannerism of Democratic Teaching Style of Secondary School Teachers

Izet Pehlić, Alma Švraka


The focus of this research work was to establish the mannerism of the democratic teaching style of secondary school teachers and to test whether the variables such as gender, age, level of qualification and working experience statistically significantly connected with democratic style of teaching of secondary school teachers in Travnik municipality area. Research methods used were: survey method and theoretical analysis method, and as research technique polling was used. As research instrument we used Polling questionnaire on democratic teaching style of secondary school teachers. We checked the reliability of research questionnaire and established that Kronbach alpha coefficient was a=0.921, which testifies about high reliability in statistical conclusion making in research results. Models in this research were the teachers (N=116) of five secondary schools in Travnik municipality. Results of the research shall show that teachers in their own practice use democratic style of teaching, that variables such as gender, age, level of education and working experience are not statistically significantly related to democratic teaching stile of secondary school teachers in Travnik municipality. Conclusion was made that, for the purpose of more relevant scientific conclusion making, for the secondary school teachers, it would be important to research democratic stile of teaching together with other styles of teaching, and research the point of view of students and school management and bring those in comparative context with points of view of the teachers.


democratic teaching style; classroom climate; attitude towards students; professional knowledge; individual differences; professional values

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