Socio-pedagogical Analysis of Perception Of Family Relationships and Peer Violence In High School Students

Izet Pehlić, Emina Babić, Nermana Mujčinović


The subject of this research the socio-pedagogical analysis of the research relation of the perception between family relationships and bullying in high school children. The goal was to determine is there a statistically relevant connection of the perception of family relationships and high school bullying. As a research method, a descriptive-analytical survey method was used, and surveying was used as aresearch technique. The Scale of perception of family relationships (Macuka 2004) and the questionnaire of bullying (Rimac et all. 2012). The research sample was a group of 300 students of first, second and third high school grades in the areaof the Zenica city and Kakanj municipality. There were 114 boys and 186 girls in the research sample. Research results have shown that the high school kids perceive expressive quality of emotionality oftheir mothers and fathers. Also, the research results pointed towards existence of expressive psychological control, an adequate parental supervision, or so called behaviour supervision as one ofthe best predictions of young delinquent behaviour.Furthermore, the results of research that the perception of family relationships is in a statistically relevant way connected with high school bullying, because adolescents that perceive their family relationships as quality relationships, are statistically much less victims and executors of high school bullying. Conclusion is, based on the research results, that we need to create and execute programs, in a socially pedagogical way, for supporting parents in developing quality family relationships, and for high school kids, which would help prevent high school bullying.


quality of family relationships; emotionality; psychological control; bullying

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