The Influence of Contemporary Media on the Globalization Trends in the 21st Century

Halim Alibašić


Globalization is a process that has entered all pores of modern life, and it can be said that there is almost no individual who is not directly involved or affected by this process. The subject of this paper is the influence of the mass media and the means of modern communication on the further course of globalization. In the introduction, basic terms are defined and a brief historical overview of the emergence and development of globalization is provided. Then, the views of contemporary researchers in this field are briefly explained, and the views for and against globalization are outlined. The main part of the paper deals with the influence of the media on the spread of globalization. As the positive aspects of media development have been emphasized numerous times so far, this article highlights the negative impact of media on processes in the contemporary world. The article offers an overview of the development of the most influential platforms for global media influence and briefly explains and elaborates the relationship between the media and the culture of consumerism. The general conclusion from the research conducted, as well as from the monitoring of contemporary trends, is that the mass media will continue to develop, and that their impact on individuals and communities will continue to grow.


globalisation; the media; consumerism culture; the Internet; mobile applications

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