Communication Behavior in Public and Media Discourse

Enita Čustović


Communication and communication behavior are significant phenomena in the field of human action. Positioning in public and media discourse is directly related to the level of communication competence of an individual. Communication competence can be considered as crucial for the appropriateness and success of his or her behavior in the public and media sphere, as well as for the realization and outcome of the public and media discourse of each participant individually and all participants together. On the other hand, the “speed of life” in modern societies also dictates the pace of communication. People are exposed to a large number of emerging situations and relationships that makes communication an increasingly challenging. In addition to the theoretical stronghold on communication and communication competence, the paper examines some of the essential features of communication behavior in public and media discourse, such as the culture of dialogue, the ethics of public words, and hate speech.


communication; communication competence; communication behavior; public discourse; media discourse

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