Motivation of the Meaning of Turkish Phrasemes With Somatic Component Baş (Head) Connected to Human Behavior and Human Relations

Edina Solak, Mirza Bašić


Cognitive linguistic approach to the study of language claims that the meaning of phrasemes is not arbitrary as claimed by the traditional approach to the study of language. There is an opinion in cognitive linguistics stating that the meaning of phrasemes is motivated by human conceptual system and the primary objective of this paper is to analyze the motivation of meaning of Turkish somatic phrasemes where a lexeme baş (head) is a component and it is linked to human behavior and human relations. Besides, Turkish somatic phrasemes are compared to the semantically close phrasemes in Bosnian language. In that way, the study is trying to establish whether there are any similarities between the speakers of two genetically and typologically different languages in their conceptualization of certain activities and experiences in the domain of body parts.


cognitive linguistic approach; phraseme; somatic component; meaning; Turkish language; Bosnian language

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