Ivica Tokić


Diversity management is an integral part of every company's strategy and doing business without this concept is inconceivable. In the business world, diversity management means taking advantage of differences or diversity within an organization in order to achieve the best possible business results. A bank in a part of town mostly populated by members of a specific ethnic group can be taken as an example. Such a bank will most certainly employ several associates from that ethnic group to improve or optimize its business results. In principle, no part of the economy exists in which diversity management is not prominent or in which diversity management as a concept is not used. The aim of this paper is to theoretically examine diversity management and gender mainstreaming as well as to present methods which should ensure the use of these concepts in the context of adult education.


diversity management; adult education; gender mainstreaming; 4R-method

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ISSN: 2490-3604 (print) ● ISSN: 2490-3647 (online)

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