Principal Leadership Styles as Perceived By Elementary School Teachers in Relation To Their Work Motivation

Gabriel Pinkas


This paper presents the results obtained from a sample of 467 teachers from 25 elementary schools in the wider city area of Tuzla. The subject of the research was the relationship between principal leadership styles, as perceived by teachers, and the work motivation of teachers. The Multifactor
Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and the Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST)
were used to collect data. The obtained results showed a correlation between the perceived principal leadership style and teacher motivation, in a way that transformational leadership primarily contributes to intrinsic motivation, transactional leadership contributes to types of extrinsic motivation (introjected, identified, and external regulation), and laissez-faire contributes to motivation. At most 13% of the variance in teacher motivation can be explained by the principal leadership style. The probable reason for such results is the complexity of teacher motivation, which is influenced by numerous both hygiene and motivating factors.


school principals; transformational, transactional, laissez-faire leadership; teachers; work motivation; SD theory

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