Bosnian Intercultural Hermeneutics of Foreign

Šeherzada Džafić


The status that it has today, the uniqueness and specificity of its intercultural profile, Bosnian literature owes to the centuries-old deposition of various cultural strata. How deep into the past this integral composite reaches is most visible in literary works, whose re/interpretations certify the ruthless interaction with other cultures. In the methodological key of interculturality as an area of exchange of different cultural practices, the paper (through theoretical models of German comparativists’ hermeneutics of foreign) explores the mediation of “foreign” in Bosnian literature. Certain intercultural aspects of Bosnian literature have not been sufficiently researched, and it is the ways of communicating with foreign and the connection of foreign with the experience of alienation and/or intimacy that make the life of Bosnian culture serious and portray the timeline of literary texts as a trace of longing for a universal agreement of the worlds.


interculturality; Bosnian literature; foreign; proprietary; intercultural poetics

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