Possibilities of Digital Media in Perception, Prevention, and Fight Against Corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Enes Osmančević, Tahani Komarica


The development of digital media had made the greater transparency of the corruption phenomena possible, but also the possibilities of active citizen participation in the prevention and fight against corruption. On the other hand, the majority of media in Bosnia and Herzegovina are under dominant political influence which negatively reflects on the intermediation of the corruption phenomena to citizens in terms of objective informing, education, and citizen participation in democratic processes. The topic of this research is the citizens’ opinion about possibilities and ways of use of digital media in perception, prevention, and fight against corruption. The research had been carried out via a method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of surveys on a sample of 399 participants.


digital media; corruption; communication culture

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51558/2490-3647.2023.8.2.693


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