The Leadership Paradigm in Gender Dependent Clubs

Damir Ahmić, Matea Cikoja, Jovan Veselinović


Leadership, as one of the four basic functions of management, is an essential component of the successful business of every organization, including sports clubs. Leadership style represents a specific way of behavior of managers within the work process that affects business results. An autocratic management system implies a lower level of employee influence when making business decisions. In the training process, one of the main issues is the problem of what management style the coach should have, autocratic or democratic. The support in this work is in the type of gender and the way of acting. It is a recognized point of view that in environments where good relations do not prevail, the way of management brings different results about the gender of the cleaning act. For the stated reasons, the research was conducted to determine the degree of representation of the leadership style and its positive influence about gender.


leadership; leader; gender; management; management; autocratic leadership style

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