Cognitive Behavioral Model for Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Lejla Halilović


Anxiety is a common emotional reaction of today. The main issue that has been present among the persons with anxiety disorder is a danger.

For most people anxiety is a part of everyday life, and as such it has been considered as an adequate response of one’s organism. However, anxiety as an inadequate response or an anxiety disorder occurs when its intensity significantly deviates from the one that would respond to situations of either real danger or ‘no danger’. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAP) is characterized by expressed and unrealistic concern, which lasts for six months or longer with physical symptoms such as: trembling, sweating, insomnia, shortness of breath or choking, chest tightness, heartburn, abdominal discomfort.

The aim of this paper is to show a cognitive behavioral therapeutic approach in the treatment of GAP with intermittent panic attack. This paper describes a plan and course of treatment with appropriate cognitive behavioral techniques in order to alleviate, accept and bear anxiety symptoms of a 26-year- old client. Two measurement instruments were used to check the mental status: Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Panic Inventory (PI).

Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of treatment has shown a significantly reduced intensity and frequency of anxiety symptoms and panic attacks, which is manifested in both the change of dysfunctional cognitive patterns and efficient daily functioning.


anxiety; generalized anxiety disorder; cognitive behavioral therapy

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