Intercultural Transformation of School in Republic of Serbia - Significant Regulations

Sanja Nikolić


The education system as one of the tensions in the functioning of the society must take into account the existing diversity - multidisciplinarity. Intercultural education seeks to develop a sustainable lifestyle in multicultural society through: building understanding, mutual respect, and a more flexible attitude towards cultural diversity. making it richer and more diverse, both socially and in the school environment. The paper presents a survey on the situation of migrants in Serbia, the degree of realization of rights and the reasons for leaving the country of origin, which was conducted on the sample of 45 respondents in five communities (Bogovoda, Loznica, Subotica, Sremska Mitrovica and Sid) during 2014. The research found that the predominant regions of origin of migrants residing in Serbia are parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. As the main causes of migration, the conflicts and persecutions, economic factors and family reunification mostly favor warfare and persecution. With the intercultural transformation of the school since December 2016, Serbia has implemented inclusive 700 migrant pupils into a regular school system through a pilot project implemented by UNICEF. The paper presents the phases of intercultural transformation of the school as well as the importance of intercultural competences through the reduction of educational innovations.


multiculturalism; intercultural education; migrants; inclusion

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