The Sephardic Proverb in Th Work La Mužer Sefardi De Bosna by Laura Papo Bohoreta

Edina Spahić


The main objective of this paper is to analyze the Sephardic proverbs in the work Sephardic woman by Laura Papo Bohoreta. The special emphasis is put on the role of a Sephardic women in those times, and how it is represented in the proverbs. In the first part, we will talk about some characteristics of Jewish-Spanish language in Bosnia and Herzegovina and point out the most important researchers in the field who contributed to the research of this language, now at the brink of extinction. The Jews who settled in the city of Sarajevo spoke pre-classical Spanish who, due to loss of contact with Spain, had not developed the same as peninsular Spanish. Thanks to the authors like Laura Papo Bohoreta , today we can approach a different culture that for ages lived together with the rest of Bosnian population. This woman, whose work has not fully come to light yet, is considered to be the keeper of the Sephardic tradition, culture and language. This is one of the reasons we have decided to analyze the proverbs of Sephardic woman, the only work that was translated and published in 2005.


Jewish-Spanish; Sephardim; proverbs; Laura Papo Bohoreta

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