Media and Information Literarcy and Policy Advocacy

Amer Džihana, Asim Šahinpašić


The paper discusses the relationship between media and information literacy and public advocacy that seeks to influence public policy (policy advocacy) in the community. Some basic links between media and information literacy and policy advocacy are outlined, as well as indications for reflecting on the contribution of media and information literacy to the policy advocacy process and vice versa - the contribution of knowledge and skills of policy advocacy to the development of media and information literacy. The main conclusions are that media and information literate citizens are better placed to advocate for policy change than those who do not have that knowledge and competencies, but that policy advocacy cannot be reduced solely to media campaigns, and that additional knowledge needs to be adopted to influence the public decision-making process. At the same time, for policy advocacy to promote media and information literacy, it must rely on a particular set of social values promoted by media and information literacy.


media and information literacy; public advocacy; policy advocacy; public policies; communal problems

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