Self-assessment of Partners about Martial Cohesiveness, Expressiveness, and Conflict During the Coronavirus Pandemic in Bosnia And Herzegovina

Anida Dudić-Sijamija


In recent months, marital and partnership relationships have become the subject of many discussions and predictions. As a partner and marital life are not immune to social change, the global coronavirus an induced pandemic that prevailed in early 2020 has left a major impact on family relationships. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the new changes in marital relationship, marital quality, and the degree of marital (dissatisfaction) of partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the coronavirus pandemic. 717 respondents participated in the research, and through online research, the partners’ self-assessment of the degree of cohesiveness, expressiveness, and conflict in the marital relationship was examined. The results of the research show us a high degree of cohesiveness in the marital relationship at the time of the pandemic. Based on the data, it was found that cohesiveness is more pronounced in younger marriages, while the decline in attachment is noticeable in long-term marriages. Also, research has shown that stress and job loss due to pandemic have caused more frequent disagreements, quarrels, and marital violence. Most of the respondents are satisfied with the marital relationship, and those who want to change the marital relationship most often have difficulties in communication, distribution of household responsibilities, and disagreements about educational methods.


marriage; marital relations; cohesiveness; conflict; expressiveness; coronavirus pandemic; Bosnia and Herzegovina

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