Pragmatic Values of Lexemes Marking Names Of Animals and Plants in Orhan Pamuk’s Novel Kafamda Bi̇r Tuhaflik and Translation in Bosnian Language

Edina Solak, Mirza Bašić


The primary goal is to analyze the pragmatic value of lexemes marking names of animals and plants in Orhan Pamuk’s novel Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık. Besides, contrastive analysis was used to answer the question of whether lexemes marking names of animals and plants can have an identical pragmatic illocution in Turkish and Bosnian language. The initial language of the analysis is Turkish, which implies the fact that pragmatic functions of lexemes marking names of animals and plants in the Turkish language are compared to the translational equivalents in Bosnian. This is used to try to determine similarities and differences between the pragmatic values of names of animals and plants in two genetically and typologically different languages.


names of animals and plants; pragmatics; illocution; Turkish language; Bosnian language; contrastive analysis

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