The Age of Transformation and Redefinition of Processes and Functions in Modern Family - Universality and/or Transformation

Abdel Alibegović, Midhat Čaušević


In this paper, we try to analyze, in a theoretical aspect, the consequences of hypermodern time that implicitly transform the very nature of family relationships in terms of their content and functions in a contemporary family. The emphasis is placed on the processes of transformation and the process of redefining family processes and functions in a contemporary family. Based on the thought and traditional background of Manuel Castells, Elizabeth Roudinesco and Massimo Recalcati, we start from the fundamental points and go into depth analysis of the consequences of fluid modernity expressed in the phenomenon of the transformation of empirical relations, the crisis of patriarchy and Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalytic concept of the “disappearing father” and “death of the other”. The future of families, alternative family forms are viewed through the prism of the universality of the family, and/or the transformation of the functions of a modern family.


fluid modernity; the “disappearing father” ;”death of the other”; modern family; family functions; transformation of family relations; the crisis of patriarchy;

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