Mobile Team – a Model of Protection for Victims of Acute Violence

Dragana Šepović, Andrea Rakanović Radonjić


Centers for Social Work, in accordance with Law on Protection from Domestic Violence have a coordinating role in the protection of victims of violence. Centers for Social Work are obliged to form an expert team consisting of representatives of the Center, bodies and departments of the local government, the police, non-governmental organizations and experts dealing with the issues of family and domestic violence in order to establish victim assistance plan, in accordance with their needs and choices. The activities on the treatment of victims of violence, as well as the prevention of violence against children, are carried out through Center for Social Work that provide multisectoral and interdisciplinary approach.Keeping in mind that violence is basically a relationship in which power relations are manifested, it isessential that the relevant institution, including the Center for Social Work are efficiently and successfully involved in early detection, monitoring, prevention and protection of children from violence. In accordance with the Family Law Center for Social Work is empowered to intervene measures of family and legal protection in situations of abuse of a child, its development and exercising their rights. For the purpose of early detection and emergency response in cases of acute violence Centre for Social Work formed Mobile teams to combat domestic violence, which are available 24 hours. Mobile team - a team for providing support and assistance for victims of violence, intervene on the police call, after domestic violence is reported. Members of team are going out on the field where they taking measures to protect victims of violence and provide adequate and the timely assistance. Based on the activities carried out by mobile teams in preventing acute phase of violence professionals at Center for Social Work develops a plan for the protection of victims of violence. Research and experience of mobile teams show growing in number of reported domestic violence and the growing need for engagement of mobile teams.This paper will present an analysis of data relating to the type of violence, activities and measures of protection and re-offending in the city of Banjaluka in the period from 2012 to 2016. Paper presents recommendations for improvement of activities of the Mobile Team that are based on the analysis of data.


mobile team; domestic violence; protection of victims; Center for Social Work;

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