From Objective to Learning Outcome Through Application of Bloom's Taxonomy

Dragana R. Gavrilović-Obradović, Vujadin G. Zdravković


The paper describes the concepts of goal and "learning outcomes" and their mutual relations, as well as relations with similar pedagogical concepts. A systematic analysis of taxonomies of teaching tasks, goals, and outcomes, formulated by Benjamin Bloom and his associates, is attached. It represents the most commonly used classification of cognitive domains, and the mental and practical abilities of students within each domain (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor). The paper also specifies the importance of Bloom's taxonomy in formulating learning outcomes, as well as in the grading process. The second part of the paper demonstrates the application of Bloom's taxonomy on the example of Thematic teaching (theme day) which was realized in an elementary school first-grade class. Through various activities, oriented toward problem-solving or acquiring new knowledge and skills in a selected topic, the outcomes planned by the teaching and learning program for a particular grade are achieved.


outcomes; learning; taxonomy; application; thematic teaching; interdisciplinarity

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