The Correlation Between Self-Esteem And Conflict Resolution in Students’ Romantic Partnerships

Slavica Blažeka Kokorić, Lucija Matković


Conflicts are an inevitable part of romantic partnerships. During a conflict, partners make use of various means of conflict resolution. This research aims to determine how students assess the frequency of using different styles of conflict resolution in their romantic partnerships and whether there are gender differences in this regard. Furthermore, the research aims at examining whether there is a correlation between the experience of self-esteem on one hand, and the styles and effectiveness of conflict resolution on the other hand, in students’ romantic partnerships. The research was conducted through an online survey on a sample of 157 students (101 female and 56 male students). The following measuring instruments were used in the research: Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (Kurdek 2001), Conflicts and Problem-solving Scales (Kerig 2001), and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg 1965, cited in Blažeka 2002). The results showed that in students’ romantic partnerships the most common style of conflict resolution is focused on positive problem solving, while the least common style is compliance. Gender differences in the frequency of using different styles of resolving conflict among romantic partners have not been identified. It found that persons with a higher level of self-esteem are more likely to use positive problem solving, and less likely to use the styles of compliance, withdrawal, and conflict engagement. It confirmes also that persons with a higher level of self-esteem are more likely to experience effective resolution of conflicts with romantic partners.


conflicts among romantic partners; conflict resolution styles; conflict resolution effectiveness; self-esteem

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